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Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and Visual Assessments

Writer: Lawrence i-Care OptometristsLawrence i-Care Optometrists

Updated: Nov 7, 2024

Laughing girl looks at letters on a test chart

Did you know that at I-Care Optometry we are often asked to perform Visual Assessments for children with SEND and other needs?

As part of a pro-active co-management strategy we often receive referral from Paediatricians, SENCO's and OT's who are keen to have their clients vision examined as part of their ongoing care.

By understanding and identifying any visual or visual processing issues that a child has we are often able to help them get the very most out of any additional support that is provided.

Our senior clinician Mr Warwick holds the College of Optometrists Professional Certificate in Paediatric Eyecare (Children's Eyecare) amongst his many other qualifications.

All of our clinics are equipped with a range of specialist equipment to help us assess and understand children's vision ranging from 'state of the art' biometers, digital eye tracking systems, computerised colorimetry systems and all of our patients are booked for an initial assessment with one of our experienced clinicians.

Unlike many other clinics we allow 45 minutes to an hour for an initial assessment of a child's vision so that our clinicians can take their time and explain their findings.

What you might not know is that at I-Care Optometry you do not have to wait for a referral from your SENCO / OT or Paediatrician, we also welcome direct referrals from patients or family members.

So if you would like a comprehensive Eye Examination and General Consultation regarding your child's vision why not give our clinics a call on 01342 323463 and we will get you booked in.

(Please note that we are a private clinic and as such our services are not provided under the NHS - please refer to our fees page or contact our clinics for more information).


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